Monday, May 7, 2012

HTML to text file converter

Reason: The downloaded HTML novels included ads when you read them in webbrowser. If you have plain text file, you can read them in your Android system.

1. Download HTML files by using:

wget -r -l1 your_internet_folder

2. Generate one big file:

cat /your/path/to/html/*.html > t.txt

3. The following methods just valid for content lines start with special_string and end with control_string

grep "special_string" t.txt > tt.txt
sed 's/special_string//g' tt.txt > ttt.txt
sed 's/control_string//g' ttt.txt > your_file_name.txt

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

list old files in one folder

The command is:

find your_folder -type f -mtime +7 -ls

here -type f just list files (f), not include folder (d)
-mtime +7 list files modified before 7 days
-ctime -7 list files created after one week ago